First United Methodist Church Ellwood City
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Church Staff




                                                        Jennifer Agnew ~ Administrative Assistant

Jennifer is a part-time administrative assistant with the First United Methodist Church of Ellwood City since 2019.  She has past experience as a secretary and attended Erie Business School in New Castle.  Jennifer is active in her church at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Ellwood City serving for many years on the council and helping with other activities.  She is married to Travis Agnew and together they have three children, Sophia, Marleigh and Paul.  Jennifer enjoys reading,  spending time outdoors and gardening.

Candace Aikins ~ Music Director and Organist



Candace Aikins is the organist/music director of FUMEC, where she has been employed since 2009.  Prior to coming to FUMEC, she was the organist/choir director at Natrona Heights Presbyterian Church and the organist at Vandergrift Presbyterian Church.


Candace has a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education with a concentration in pipe organ from Grove City College and a Master's Degree in Pipe Organ Performance from Carnegie Mellon University where she received a Fellowship.  She also has an Orff-Schulwerk Level 1 Certification and a TI:ME Level 1 Certification from Duquesne University.  She has taught chorus and music at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels in several school districts where she was a long-term substitute.  She also worked for Macmillan-McGraw Hill Book Company for three years as a  part-time music consultant.  She is currently a substitute teacher in seven school districts and teaches private piano lessons.

Candace enjoys shopping and traveling, as well as spending time with family and friends.

Sunday Worship
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Worship Service:  11:00 AM
Office Hours
Monday and Tuesday
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesday and Thursday
8:30 am - 2:00 pm